Chrysochromulina leadbeateri

  • A. SEM.  Flagella blue arrows, haptonema red arrow, outer layer scales green arrow, inner layer scales black arrow. B. TEM. Outer layer scales green arrow, inner layer scales black arrow. C. LM.  Flagella blue arrows.


Sub- spherical cells with two chloroplasts, two flagella and a coiling haptonema. Two layers of scales cover the cells. Outer layer with upright rim and central cross. Inner layer with 4 concentric rings, radiating ribs and a central cross.

Morphometrics: Flagella slightly unequal 13-16 and 16-20 µm. Haptonema 13-24 µm. Outer and inner layer scales 0.3-0.4 µm.


Distribution: Northern Norway

Arctic Regions